Frequently asked questions

Bienvenue dans notre Foire aux Questions !

We’ve tried to anticipate all the questions you might have before you decide to join the Milirue adventure. If you don’t find the answer to your question below, you can always contact us of course! 😘 

I have 2 or more children, how many booklets should I take?

Whether your children are the same age or not, a Milirue booklets is like a toothbrush : it cannot be shared!

From the first page, it will be completed, colored, pencilled and, as you discover it, it will be filled with little memories and anecdotes of adventures that belong only to their author! So it’s much nicer if everyone has their own…😉

Who is the Mini booklet for?

The Mini booklet was designed for children beginning to read. The content is adapted in content as well as in form for kids form 4 to 7 years old. If your kid is a good reader, then the Junior would be the best choice.

Who is the Junior booklet for?

When reading is fluid and vocabulary is richer, we move on to Junior! The instructions are a little more elaborate, we have added some space-time references to make concrete what they learn at school, as well as a dose of humor tested and validated by the interested parties.

You have a Mini and a Junior at home: don’t panic, the notebooks followed the same city tours because above all, We are Family! So you can easily discover Paris with children of different ages, without it turning into a nightmare for those accompanying them.

Will the parents have fun too?

But so much! 

First of all, because you’ll love to see your children marvel at discovering everything that surrounds them without their knowledge! And also because in real life, you will learn a lot of things and regularly be challenged by your children! Pay attention because they will give you a quiz at the end of the course… Will you be up to it?

How does it work ?

Milirue proposes an activity in 3 steps:

> Preparation: A few days before going to discover the city, your child discovers it at home while having fun. Located at the beginning of the notebook, these pages are designed to allow children to familiarize themselves with the main buildings they will discover later, and to arouse their curiosity on a whole range of subjects! In short, zero frustration, we start at home, as soon as we receive the booklet!

> Then we discover Paris through 2 city tours that you can do when you want, on foot! Each of them corresponds to a district of the city. No reservation to manage, no additional time to visit, no time trial to start at a set time. You can do the 2 routes during the day, or in two parts. One word of order, freedom! And if you need a little snack, you simply stop when you feel like it and/or need it!

> Debriefing: Speaking of snacks, while waiting for your meals at the restaurant at lunchtime, with an ice cream in the park, … it’s your choice! But we suggest you to prolong this good moment with 2 double pages at the end of each course to chat, debrief, laugh and remember all these discoveries!

What about this interactive map ?

Milirue is the notebook of YOUR children.

Thanks to Miliweb, you, the parents, will be able to follow the itinerary in a geolocalized way and to discover a fun and original content at each stage of the courses. You won’t believe it!

And to simplify your life as a parent (#thosewhoknowsknows), you will also find on this map the places that can make your life easier! Which restaurant will welcome your strollers with open arms, where to find a toilet, change a diaper, breastfeed, etc… No commercial partnership, just recommendations between parents who mean well 😉

You will also find addresses of parks to discover in the area, for the happiness of all!

Of course, nothing to download to access Miliweb, the interactive map. We’d rather you save your storage space to take a picture of yourself! Just a QR code to scan at the beginning of the route, and that’s it!

Discover the instructions in video.

What about "new pedagogies"? What does it have to do with the discovery of Paris?

Great care was taken to ensure that the children were involved from A to Z in this adventure! This is even the starting point of the Milirue notebooks. Finding the right tools to offer them an adventure that develops their curiosity, teaches them to look up and to be amazed!
So, we did a lot of research, we exchanged with many learning experts (teachers, learning techniques specialists, …) and we tested many things by observing the reactions of children of different ages and personalities!
The result is a booklet which is a summary of all this, as well in the content as in the form.
It is a journey of discovery full of benevolence, without competition.
It’s a search for meaning in the way we transmit information to them, a hyper-playful content that allows them to exploit their skills and to want to go further.

How to get a Milirue booklet?

You have several choices:

You can order it online, to receive it at home or at your hotel.

You can order it through Amazon, to receive it at home. (.com and .co.uk – Delivery in one day with Prime).

You can buy it when you arrive in France, here is the list of our points of sale.

Do you know a great place where you would like to find our booklets? Let us know at retail@milirue.fr

You are a tour operator and would like to offer our notebooks to your clients? Tell us at bonjour@milirue.fr